How to Transfer a Domain Name from MyDomain to eNom

  • Verify how the domain name is eligible for transfer -- that's, that the name has been registered for a minimum of 60 days, is not expired, and is not really in Registrar Lock status.
  • Log on to your own account at and Click My Domains Option.  Select the check boxes next to the domains you need to transfer.
  • To confirm that the contact information for that domain is correct (especially Registrant and Admin email addresses), in "Step 2", open the menu and choose "Change Contact Information".
  • To change the Registrant get in touch with information, click "Owner".  Type in the new get in touch with information.
  • To apply the new contact information to every other contact types, select the corresponding check boxes and click on Update.
  • Confirm that the correct contact types are now being updated and click "Yes".
  • To obtain the agreement code, click "My Domains".  Select the check box next to the domain you need to transfer.
  • In "Step 2", open the menu and choose "Retrieve Authorization Code".

  • Click "Go". The authorization code is mailed towards the Registrant email address. To unlock the domain, click on "My Domains".  Select the check box next to the domain you need to transfer.
  • In "Step 2", open the menu and choose "Unlock these domains - to allow transfers".
  • Now you're prepared to create the transfer request at eNom.  Log on for your requirements at eNom, eNomCentral, or BulkRegister.
  • In the "DOMAINS" menus, click "transfer a domain name".  Select "Auto verification" as well as click "next".
  • Type in the domain name you need to transfer, a comma, a space, and then the actual authorization code. If you have more domains, hit "Enter" and key in the information for the next domain on a brand new line. Repeat for each domain you're transferring, 1 per line.
  • Set the Registrar Lock, Auto-Renew, Whois, and Password options while you wish.  Click "next". and Submit.
  • When you (or the Whois contacts listed at MyDomain) have the email from eNom asking for approval of the actual transfer, do so by following the instructions within the email.